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Le site du collectif antilibéral du pays de Pontivy pour des candidatures unitaires
29 novembre 2006

AG des collectifs du Morbihan 28 10 2006 à Pontiivy

AG des collectifs du Morbihan

28 10 2006 à Pontiivy


Propagande Internationale

All the seats were occupied yesterday evening in this room of Pontivy’s Congress Palace and, for three hours, there were very few exchanges of bird’s names.

As it look being the same across all french country, it would be possible than the “new left” be built before presidential elections in 2007 , more and more  people in all antiliberal meetings hope it and think that , as socialist are now rightist, they, alone, the only true left will win against traditional rightist and extremist.


…And , it’s sure that they are taking a good departure

Les photos et la video du meeting sont sur le site !
Hello Gilbert !

Le site du collectif antilibéral du pays de Pontivy pour des candidatures unitaires